
IP of asian DNS (NS3) was changed

IP of asian DNS (NS3) was changed. NS3 has migrated to another datacenter in Hong Kong (China). The new IP of NS3 is shown on the subscription page (https://dash.deepwebvpn.net/en/subscriptions/configs).

We accept Bitcoin Cash since today

We accept Bitcoin Cash since today. And now every customer can buy our VPN via 7 cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), Monero (XMR), Z-Cash (ZEC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

New Tor address

Our Tor domain has been migrated from version 2 to v3 and now it is http://dwvpnnnsdstiwadnfo2d5nrrj523egqc7rdf6gnydbayu3zxqtk6dcqd.onion. The previous domain (deepwebvpnvvotmw.onion) is redirecting to the new now and it will be available at least to 15th of October when v2 supporting be disabled in Tor client (https://blog.torproject.org/v2-deprecation-timeline).
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