US1 (USA) has migrated from Vint Hill (Virginia) to Piscataway (New Jersey)
US1 (USA) has migrated from Vint Hill (Virginia) to Piscataway (New Jersey). Also RU4 (St. Petersburg, Russia) has changed datacenter in St. Petersburg. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of US1 and RU4 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update the configs please.
RU4 (St. Petersburg, Russia) has migrated to another datacenter in St. Petersburg. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of RU4 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
RU4 (Russia) has migrated from Moscow to St. Petersburg
RU4 (Russia) has migrated from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of RU4 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.