US1 (USA) has migrated from Piscataway to New York
US1 (USA) has migrated from Piscataway to New York. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of US1 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
IL1 (Israel) has changed datacenter in Tel Aviv. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of IL1 (domain name based) have not changed, the configs based on IP have changed. Update it please.
NL2 (Netherlands) has changed datacenter in Amsterdam
NL2 (Netherlands) has changed datacenter in Amsterdam. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of NL2 (domain name based) have not changed, the configs based on IP have changed. Update it please.
RU6 (Novosibirsk, Russia) has changed IP. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of RU6 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
IT1 (Italy) has migrated from Milan to Arezzo. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of IT1 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
PL1 (Poland) has changed datacenter in Warsaw. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of PL1 (domain name based) have not changed, the configs based on IP have changed. Update it please.
TR1 (Bursa, Turkey) has changed IP. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of TR1 (domain name based) were not changed, the configs based on IP were changed. Update it please.
US2 (USA) has changed datacenter in New York. The default OpenVPN and SoftEther configs of US2 (domain name based) have not changed, the configs based on IP have changed. Update it please.